Graphs within an Access Report




I've created a graph within an access report using query values of a table.
the following are the values:

Fund Code, Fund Name, Index Name, Date, Fund Value, Index Value.

Within the graph, the values being used are: Date, Fund Value and Index
Value. The select query created by the wizard is as follows:

SELECT (Format([Date],"MMM-YY")),Sum([Fund Value]) AS [SumofFundValue]
)],Sum([Index Value]) AS [SumofIndexValue] FROM [Query1] GROUP BY
(Year([Date])*12 + Month([Date])-1),(Format([Date],"MMM-YY"));

I changed this to:

SELECT (Format([Date],"MMM-YY")),Sum([Fund Value]) AS [Balanced Fund
(Mackenzie)],Sum([Index Value]) AS [SCM Universe] FROM [Query1] GROUP BY
(Year([Date])*12 + Month([Date])-1),(Format([Date],"MMM-YY"));

The reason for this is that I must have the Fund Name and the Index Name
showing in the Legend..not the sum of whatever.

The question here is is there anyway to have the Legend names driven off a
table instead of going into the select query and physically changing the
name? I need this to be as easy as possbile as we frequently have fund or
index name changes and most of the users don't have access experience or the
willingness to learn.

Any help, will certainly be appreciate!

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