gray column



On occasion I get what feels like a crash -- in the
middle of an excel session after a refresh or something I
will get a 2-3 inch column of gray on the left side of my
excel workbook. I can still move around, save, use the
functionality, etc. but there is this gray area I can't
see through. This view will remain even if I go to any
workbook I have opened in this session of excel -- so its
not a workbook problem per se. The only way to get rid
of it is to go in and out of excel. Has anyone seen this
or know what it is? Thanks,


In the absence of other replies ........ the short answer is Yes, I do
get similar things happen occasionally. I think poor old Excel gets
tired and wants a rest.

It is usually at times when I have been using Excel for some time and
have been opening and closing files a lot - including having other
applications open.

I routinely use Excel all day, so, In any case, I deliberately close
Excel down when convenient - at least a couple of times a day.

Windows uses a separate block of memory for gui display, so I suppose
it is this which is affected.

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