GREAT Awesome & Innovative Idea!!!



Hey I thought i'd be a great idea to highlight text like say in your
bookmarks or in other documents without having to drag it all in one note.
How handy it would be
to go to say a book marked webpage and instead of reading
through the whole thing like you previously did to find a specific
phrase, why not just highlight it. I know it wouldn't work if you moved to
another computer. But It'd be cool to just highlight it or somehow
incorporate it with
say msn passport. So when you sign onto a machine bam it knows what webpages
you have highlighted txt in. Also it'd be cool to high info in other programs
like pdf's or word files. I don't think this is currently availble but does
anyone know if it is?
Also if not please recommend this ideas please as I think they would be
great awesome & innovative ideas that are currently not out on the market.
Also does anyone know if there is any other program out there that may
accomplish similar things? Any thoughts or ideas would be great :D Thanks

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