Nick Fritzler
I have finally got my compound merge to work. I had to
create a table with a primary key, and then join my tables
to get each unique customer and their purchases. This is
the code I used. It is great. Maybe Microsoft should
include a compound merge feature in their next release?
Seems like a lot of people would need it. Thank you for
your help.
{DATABASE \d "C:\\warranty\\Warranty.mdb" \c "DSN=MS
Access;MaxBufferSize=512;PageTimeout=5;" \s "SELECT
MasterCustDetail.CustomerID, MasterCustDetail.Brand,
MasterCustDetail.Product, MasterCustDetail.ModelNumber,
MasterCustDetail.PurchasePrice FROM MasterCust INNER JOIN
MasterCustDetail ON MasterCust.CustomerID =
MasterCustDetail.CustomerID WHERE
MasterCustDetail.CustomerID = '{MERGEFIELD CustomerID}'"
\l "4" \b "447" \h}
create a table with a primary key, and then join my tables
to get each unique customer and their purchases. This is
the code I used. It is great. Maybe Microsoft should
include a compound merge feature in their next release?
Seems like a lot of people would need it. Thank you for
your help.
{DATABASE \d "C:\\warranty\\Warranty.mdb" \c "DSN=MS
Access;MaxBufferSize=512;PageTimeout=5;" \s "SELECT
MasterCustDetail.CustomerID, MasterCustDetail.Brand,
MasterCustDetail.Product, MasterCustDetail.ModelNumber,
MasterCustDetail.PurchasePrice FROM MasterCust INNER JOIN
MasterCustDetail ON MasterCust.CustomerID =
MasterCustDetail.CustomerID WHERE
MasterCustDetail.CustomerID = '{MERGEFIELD CustomerID}'"
\l "4" \b "447" \h}