Great no support on getting office97 to work on a new XP system!!


Larry Worm

Anynody know how to reinstall office97 on a new xp system. I get
htmlmarq.ocx cannot be updated in the registy file. Or do I have to stay with
my windows 98 system and return my XP software? If the only way is to
upgrade Office I'll scrap all MICROSOFT software and switch to someting else!!

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JoAnn Paules [MVP]

I love it. You're trying to use ancient software on a newer OS and you're
ticked because it won't work. Especially since it won't install to protect
your system.

I've seen posts with that same problem before. I just Googled that file name
(something you should have done). Apparently Service Pack 2 for Windows
disables that file for security reasons.

According to Bob Buckland, a regular here:
If you're not going to use the web page features you can do a custom install
and choose to not install the Web Authoring tools or use the following
technique not a MS supported one) to modify both .ocx files whose names
start with HTMLm in this registry key

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image
File Execution Options
from .ocx to .old

***PLEASE NOTE: If you are going to do that, back up your registry

And according to garfield-n-odie:
"1. You could uninstall WinXP SP2, install Office 97 and related service
packs, and reinstall WinXP SP2.
2. You could leave WinXP SP2 intact and do a custom installation of Office
97 in which you set the Web Authoring Tools to "not available" in the setup
options. "

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