Greater or Less Than Statements


Dave B


I am currently trying to create a query that allows me to add 40 if the
amount is over 900.

I can get it to display the amount by adding >900 but i cant figure out how
to add the 40 onto the result.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as i have spent ages messing about

Thanks in advance,


Howard Brody

Try using an UpdateQuery (but make sure to back up your table/db first, just in case).

Criteria: >900
UpdateTo: [FieldName] + 40

----- Dave B wrote: -----


I am currently trying to create a query that allows me to add 40 if the
amount is over 900.

I can get it to display the amount by adding >900 but i cant figure out how
to add the 40 onto the result.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as i have spent ages messing about

Thanks in advance,


Eechhutti R.Rajasekaran

In your query (design view) add a new column calcamt: IIF([amount]>900,
[amount]+40, [amount])

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