Greek accent marks

  • Thread starter KR^ishhNamalaghnataH
  • Start date


Is it possible to type Classical Greek accent marks (e.g. rough breather etc.)? I use WinXP Pro and Word 2003 and have no problem typing using the Greek fonts. I cannot find any accent marks on the keyboard layout.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Are you using the appropriate keyboard layout? Are you using a Greek font?

KR^ishhNamalaghnataH said:
Is it possible to type Classical Greek accent marks (e.g. rough breather
etc.)? I use WinXP Pro and Word 2003 and have no problem typing using the
Greek fonts. I cannot find any accent marks on the keyboard layout.gleich. Und sie sollen es auch nicht werden.


Suzanne, yes to both questions: I have tried the three available Greek KBs and have chosen the Arial MS because I found the accented Greek vowels in it. Having typed accented Greek with other applications (e.g. Global Office), I used combinations of the CTRL and ALT keys to produce the desired characters. Am I still missing something here?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I'm afraid I'm out of my depth here. You might want to post to

KR^ishhNamalaghnataH said:
Suzanne, yes to both questions: I have tried the three available Greek KBs
and have chosen the Arial MS because I found the accented Greek vowels in
it. Having typed accented Greek with other applications (e.g. Global
Office), I used combinations of the CTRL and ALT keys to produce the desired
characters. Am I still missing something here?gleich. Und sie sollen es auch nicht werden.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I'm glad you found what you needed. More to your credit than mine, though!

KR^ishhNamalaghnataH said:
Suzanne, success! Microsoft has a 34-page "how-to" white paper located at:
I can now type accented Classical Greek without any problems. Your
suggestion kept me hopeful and on the research track to find a solution.
Thanks for your help and inspiration.gleich. Und sie sollen es auch nicht werden.

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