Good Day!
Please help me out
MAC OSX 10.7.5
Working without a word work file problem.
I upgraded my hard drive and transfered all my files from an 80 GB
hard drive to a 320 GB hard drive.. So I definitely have a lot of free
space.. My Memory is 2GB.. Everything was going fine until I opened a
homework of mine using Microsoft Word 2008. I read some stuff on the
net on how to fix it.. Did the Disk Utility thing, rebooted my mac a
couple of times and even reinstalled Microsoft Office.. My powerpoint
and Excel works fine..
Here's what came out when i did the terminal thing..
Last login: Sun May 17 10:15:03 on console
Nikkis-MacBook:~ Dominique$ printenv TMPDIR
Nikkis-MacBook:~ Dominique$
Please tell me what to do next.. Thank you!
MAC OSX 10.7.5
Working without a word work file problem.
I upgraded my hard drive and transfered all my files from an 80 GB
hard drive to a 320 GB hard drive.. So I definitely have a lot of free
space.. My Memory is 2GB.. Everything was going fine until I opened a
homework of mine using Microsoft Word 2008. I read some stuff on the
net on how to fix it.. Did the Disk Utility thing, rebooted my mac a
couple of times and even reinstalled Microsoft Office.. My powerpoint
and Excel works fine..
Here's what came out when i did the terminal thing..
Last login: Sun May 17 10:15:03 on console
Nikkis-MacBook:~ Dominique$ printenv TMPDIR
Nikkis-MacBook:~ Dominique$
Please tell me what to do next.. Thank you!