Grid control problem



We have a fresh installation of MSP03 on Win2K Server &
SQL Server 2000 Strd.

There's a problem on each page containing grid controls
(which is Office XP Web Component, am I right?).

IE gives JScript error message "Internal Server Error,
Object Expected." and grid shows only "Loading Data"

This behaviour occurs only one PC, I've only tried few
others but they seem to be ok.

I've tried following:
- added site in trusted sites, set security settings to low
- Deleted pj* class-files from IE cache, restarted IE
- disabled workstation firewall (ZoneLabs 3.5, includes
popup-blocking features)
- Updated MDAC on server and client to 2.7 SP1.
Should I Try 2.8? Can it be installed on our server,
Windows 2000 Server & SQL Server 2000 Standard.
What about workstations, which are mostly Win2000.

Is it possible to uinstall/install Office XP Web
Components on workstations?

Could this be network related problem? We do use proxy and
persons log in in two different ways. Is it possible that
traffic related to Grid Control is blocked in firewall but
everything else passes through? We have opened following
ports on server: 80, 443, 1443, 25.

Any help would be highly appreciated


Kristian Voorheck

I have had similar problem for a while and followed the
same steps as you did except for networking stuff, we're
all in the same LAN. Resolved this by giving the user an
access to server by Terminal Services but this is not an
option to continue with. His PC will be reinstalled in
next week and I assume having no problems after that.
Anyway, I hope this won't happen to other users and if it
does, I really hope that someone is able to provide an
easier solution.


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