Grid for OneNote drawings


Michael Moser

Occasionally I combine handwriting/ink with graphical objects.
To obtain a nicer layout, it would be nice, if the graphical objects
(rectangles, circles, etc. - but NOT the pen/hand ink!) would stick to a
grid (in position and size). I didn't find any such feature. Is there
such an option or mechanism?


Michael Moser

Ben said:
When you stay "stick to a grid" you mean stay put and not move or just
that you had some sort of grid to place objects on so that you could
align/size them correctly?

The second. Just to make the drawings look nicer or "cleaner".



You could go to Format->Rule Line and change the rule lines to grid while
drawing. While it wont provide you the snap mechanism, you'll atleast have a
grid you can keep to.


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