Grid Lines - How Do I keep them from moving?


Adam L Reisman

I have a large document with large cells (12 cells per page). I'm trying to
make flashcards. I want to type different amounts of text in each cell with
different font sizes and styles. I'm finding that the grid lines sometimes
move as I type, changing the size of the cells.

I want the cells to stay fixed size. How can I do that?

Thanks :)



Select the table and turn off "automatically resize to fit contents".
In Word 2002, this option is in Table | Table Properties | Options.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Also, if you haven't already set your rows to an Exact height, you'll want
to do that.

Adam L Reisman

Thank you. I am using Word 2002, but the option "automatically resize to
fit contents" is already unchecked.

Any other ideas? I thought of just drawing text boxes, and not even using
tables, but that seems to clog my printer memory.

-- Adam


Hmmm... with "automatically resize" turned off, the vertical lines
shouldn't move unless you move them, but the horizontal lines might move
if the row height is set to "at least" instead of "exactly".

Adam L Reisman

I'm still having the same problem with the gridlines moving. I tried again
from scratch, doing the following:

1. Insert Table
2. In the "fixed column width" box I'm typing 2.5 inches.
3. Click OK

Now here is an example of the problem. I type the word "INFORMATION" in the
first box of the first column. It pushes the gridline to the right, making
the other two columns smaller. I don't want it to do that.

When I hit the right edge of the cell, what I want it to do is one of the
1. Prevent me from continuing.
2. Word wrap.
3. Disappear (the way it would if I had typed it into a text box)
4. Resize the font to fit the box.
5. Pretty much anything that would not disturb the grid.

Are text boxes my only option for this?

Adam L Reisman

And just to clarify, I'm really only talking about the vertical lines. I
undertand that the horizontal lines will move if I hit return inside the

Adam L Reisman


I think I've figured it out. When I started a new document, I forgot to
"uncheck automatically resize to fit contents".

Thanks for all your help. I'll add another thread if this problem surfaces
again :)

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