kevs wrote :
It worked, but I already have workbook in start up folder (without the .xls
by the way), so I opened it and checked gridlines and hit command S.
If it's a template, as it should, it's not ".xls" it should be without, but
".xlt", which is the usual extension for the templates.
But then instead of just saving it, I had to overwrite the "old" file and
navigate to it etc. It worked out, but was cumbersome. Why didn't excel
just let me save workbook with my new change?
Because it creates a new workbook, that's what templates are designed for.
If you save it as a "standard" workbook in the "Startup" folder, it'll open
when launching (but would be saved and keep every changing you'd make if you
click the "Save" option (or "Command-S"). And not when creating a new. From
your description, I'm afraid this is what you did.
If you want your gridlined workbook to be the default workbook, thus having
a copy of it each time you create a new workbook, it has to be "Saved as..."
a template with the name "Workbook" (without the ".xlt" extension) in the
startup folder. Just as it is described in the Helpfile (search for
"customizing workbook template" for instance)...