gripes about entourage.... any way to change this



Enourage 2004.

I use an exchange server. I connect, require SSL for this DAV. I
have bought a certificate for my exchange server from RapidSSL. This
is installed on my mail server. All my Outlook 2003/2007 clients are
happy with this cert. On my mobile devices, I have dowladed the root
CA cert and installed it from RapidSSL. All my mobile devices work
with the root CA cert installed. Entourage will not. I have
downloaded the root CA, installed it, it's on my keychain, I still get
the warning about establishing secure connection to the Exchange
server. Pourquoi?

On my Enrourage folders menu. I only use Exchange account, I never
use folders on my compuer. I work on about a dozen computers in
various countries... I don't want to leave anything local, I need to
be able to get at everything anyway. When I don't need it anymore, I
archive it out of one of my windows systems to PST and put it on a
DVD. I would ideally like to get rid of the "Folders on My Computer"
but failing that, can I at least move it to the bottom like I can with
Outlook under windows? I am mostly interested in my Exchange account,
there fore I would like it at the top of the list. It is the default
account, yet "Folders on My Computer" rises to the top, again,

If anyone knows anything about change these annoyances, I would dearly
love to know.

Corentin Cras-Méneur

jogdial said:
All my mobile devices work
with the root CA cert installed. Entourage will not. I have
downloaded the root CA, installed it, it's on my keychain, I still get
the warning about establishing secure connection to the Exchange
server. Pourquoi?

The question is "was it properly installed"?
Where did you install the root CA? In Tiger and before it goes in the
X509Anchors, in Leopard, it goes in the Login keychain.

Can you connect through OWA on the same address in Safari without
getting a warning about the certificate ??


Diane Ross

jogdial said:
I use an exchange server.

If you had put Exchange in the subject, you might have a better chance of an
Exchange support person to read this. Creating a good subject is important.
Just saying "gripes" doesn't tell us much.

William Smith

jogdial said:
Enourage 2004.

I use an exchange server. I connect, require SSL for this DAV. I
have bought a certificate for my exchange server from RapidSSL. This
is installed on my mail server. All my Outlook 2003/2007 clients are
happy with this cert. On my mobile devices, I have dowladed the root
CA cert and installed it from RapidSSL. All my mobile devices work
with the root CA cert installed. Entourage will not. I have
downloaded the root CA, installed it, it's on my keychain, I still get
the warning about establishing secure connection to the Exchange
server. Pourquoi?

I'm confused as to why you purchased this certificate. If you've
purchased a certificate from a third party source then you shouldn't
need to install the root certificate. That kind of defeats the purpose.
Otherwise, you could simply generate your own certificate for free using
your own CA.
On my Enrourage folders menu. I only use Exchange account, I never
use folders on my compuer. I work on about a dozen computers in
various countries... I don't want to leave anything local, I need to
be able to get at everything anyway. When I don't need it anymore, I
archive it out of one of my windows systems to PST and put it on a
DVD. I would ideally like to get rid of the "Folders on My Computer"
but failing that, can I at least move it to the bottom like I can with
Outlook under windows? I am mostly interested in my Exchange account,
there fore I would like it at the top of the list. It is the default
account, yet "Folders on My Computer" rises to the top, again,

Entourage 2008 now moves the *default* account to the top of the folders
list. If you have your Exchange account set as your default then all
Exchange and IMAP accounts will force the folders "On My Computer" to
the bottom.

Hope this helps!



William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
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