Groove bandwidth usage



Groove uses 50 KBytes / h bandwidth even when it's not used.
Did it's possible to decrease the groove syncronisation data with some
settings or anyting like that.



If you are use managed device by Enterprise Domain, you can ask your domain
administrator to change device policy. There's one bandwidth policy can
limite Groove bandwidth usage.


Dear Junnikka,

According to your update, I think we'd better clean the nwetwork connection
for your Groove and then test the results.

For your convenience, we can refer to thest steps.
1. Right-click on the Groove icon in the system tray, and choose Exit
Groove (Shut down Groove in 2.x version).
2. Click the Windows Start button and choose Run.
3. Browse to C:\Program Files\Groove Networks\Groove\Bin and choose
4. In the Run box, the command line, should type:
C:\Program Files\Groove Networks\Groove\Bin\GrooveClean.exe
5. Click OK.
After these steps, please let us restart the computer normally and then test
the results.

For more information about using Grooveclean, refer to the following technote:
How to use GrooveClean.exe to clear communications queues or remove all
Groove data


Its ment to use groove by gprs when the bandwidth usage is important because
gprs costs depending on the data amunt. I don't mean to limit the max
bandwidth usage, only the data that groove uses when it's syncronizing (it
seems to be syncronising every 15 sekond). Is even this possible to adjust
with the bandwidth policy?

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