Groove Management Server - Problems with Backups


Marc Dimmick

I have configured quite a number of users on to the Grove Management Server.
It has backup the accounts all is looking great. BUT, when I went to restore
an account 2007 does not recognise the file to restore. What is the problem.
If I create the backup of the account I can restore the account, but the
whole idea was that the Groove Management Server is suppose to do this??


Dear Marc Dimmick,

According to your description, let us refer to these steps and then test the

1: Please save the backup file (.grv) to the user's machine.
2: Shutdown the Groove manually.
3: Double click this backup file and then test the results.

If the probelm still persists, then let us run a Groove clean on this user's
machine and then re-use the above steps to test the results.

1: Still shutdown the Groove.
2: Start->Run and type cmd and press enter.
3: In command line, please navigate to c:\program files\microsoft
office\office 12
4: Then tyep grooveclean and press enter
5: Reuse the above steps to load the Groove backup file and then test the


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