Groove2007 B2TR - GrooveFilesBase64 WS


Lou Zher

How can I programmatically set a file date/time when I put it into a file
I've tried setting it on the filedescriptor on .create, .update and .import,
but it always seems to take the current date/time rather than the supplied
one or the one on the file itself in the case of .import.

John Milan

I don't think you can. These are system values managed by the Groove system.
Date/Time values are critical to Groove synchronization so its understandable
why Groove would want to manage them.

John Milan
TeamDirection, Inc.

Lou Zher

If I add a file from the UI, it respects the file system's recorded date,
but .import does not?
I get that date/time values are important.... that's exactly why I want to
set them --- for synchronization with another system!

John Milan

My fault. I misunderstood which date time fields you wanted to set. Groove
maintains its own _CreatedOn and _ModifiedOn date time fields for every piece
of synchronizable data. This is indeed different from the file systems
recorded date.


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