Gross margin


Don Y

When calculating gross profit margins using cost and sell price, what does
the formula look like?


if ssles are in A1 and cost in B1 in C1 enter


If you need to see the %GM in D1 you can enter
format D1 as %

If this helps please click yes, thanks


Don Y said:
When calculating gross profit margins using cost and sell price, what does
the formula look like?

If the cost is in A1 and selling in B1 the formula would be =(B1-A1)/A1
Format the cell for percentage.

Don Y

Thanks for the reply. It helped. Let's say i want to create a sheet that
will allow me to change the GP% by entering the desired GP and have it change
the sell price to reflect the GP i'm looking for. A1 is cost, A2 is sell
price, A3 is the cell i enter the desired GP percent which will automatically
change A2 sell price?

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