Group and Permissions for Access Project



Hi All,

I'm working on an Access Project (.adp) with a MSDE 2000 database.The
database is going to be on a server and everybody is going to be accessing
from their station.

Is there any way to assign group/permissions by code in such a way that when
a user logs in (I'm using a login form taking username and password and an
form to assign everybody to a group: admin, manager, technician, etc.) if he
or she wants to open a menu from the main menu they are not suppose to, there
is a message letting them know they don't have the right to go there, and
they are not going to be able to get in? same with write/read permissions?

Or the only way is to use Transact-SQL statements / SQL-DMO?

Any help/idea would be greatly appreciated...

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