During Project 2007 Beta Program I post a bug concerning the"Group By"
functionality on an Outline Code. This functionality didn't work like
in Project 2003. It use the value instead of description and put at
the same level all the value of the Outline Code. It's impossible to
have a data aggregations on the hierarchy of the Outline Code.
Project Professional PWA views.
I hope that "It's finally by design"... for now!!!! Do someone knows
if this bug will be solved? ... when?
Thanks in advance...
During Project 2007 Beta Program I post a bug concerning the"Group By"
functionality on an Outline Code. This functionality didn't work like
in Project 2003. It use the value instead of description and put at
the same level all the value of the Outline Code. It's impossible to
have a data aggregations on the hierarchy of the Outline Code.
fact there is the same problem on the offical version... both inFrom the Beta Program answered me that...:"It's finally by design". In
Project Professional PWA views.
I hope that "It's finally by design"... for now!!!! Do someone knows
if this bug will be solved? ... when?
Thanks in advance...