If I group by "Recevied" field the Inbox folder, Outlook 2002 (10.xxx ver.)
create a gruop for every message (!!!) because it gruop by
year-month-day-hour-minute and second too (like in the example image at
http://web.tiscali.it/errediemme/img.jpg ).
Is there a way to group only by day (year-month-day) and not even by second
(hour-minute and second)?
Thanks and sorry for my "englian"
Dàvide from Italy
create a gruop for every message (!!!) because it gruop by
year-month-day-hour-minute and second too (like in the example image at
http://web.tiscali.it/errediemme/img.jpg ).
Is there a way to group only by day (year-month-day) and not even by second
(hour-minute and second)?
Thanks and sorry for my "englian"
Dàvide from Italy