Toria said:
I have a root ID field. I have a close date field. There can be more than one
record with the same root ID. I need to pull only one of them with the latest
close date.
If you want the records in the table with the latest close
date across the entire table:
SELECT TOP 1 table.*
FROM table
ORDER BY [close date field] DESC
If you want the data in the records with latest close date
for each group id:
SELECT table.*
FROM table
WHERE table.[close date field] =
(SELECT Max(X.[close date field])
FROM table As X
WHERE X.[root id] = table.[root id])
or, probably faster:
SELECT table.*
(SELECT X.[root id],
Max(X.[close date field]) As Latest
FROM table As X
GROUP BY X.[root id]) As M
ON M.[close date field] = table.[close date field]
And M.[root id] = table.[root id])
Note that if there are multiple records with the same close
date (for a single group id), the query will return all thos