Group By Qtr



I cant figure out how to group my records by quarters or months.Is there a
special query to otain these results? My current SQL is pretty basic using
two tables as the following:

SELECT VendorInv.EnterDate, VendorInv.InvDesc, VendorInv.InvCode,
FROM Vendor INNER JOIN VendorInv ON Vendor.VendorID = VendorInv.VendorID;

The format in EnterDate field is 01/01/2008 yet i am lost on the
grouping.Can this be done?

Jerry Whittle

It can be done readily in a Report. Sort and Group on the EnterDate field in
the report. In the properties you can choose to group by day, week, month,
and quarter.


You say the format in EnterDate field is 01/01/2008 but did not say if it was
a DateTime datatype field.
Below assumes that it is --
SELECT Format([VendorInv].[EnterDate], "yyyy q") As [Vendor QTR],
VendorInv.InvDesc, VendorInv.InvCode, Sum([VendorInv].[InvAmt] AS Amount
FROM Vendor INNER JOIN VendorInv ON Vendor.VendorID = VendorInv.VendorID;
GROUP BY Format([VendorInv].[EnterDate], "yyyy q"), VendorInv.InvDesc,

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