Group By Sum of Transaction Amounts



Table A contains the following fields

Transaction Date
Account Number
Transaction Amount (mostly a credit amount)
User ID
Mgr Id

Multiple Transaction amounts can be made to the account either by 1 user or
multiple users.

On one account, I processed $5000 credit and on the same account you
processed $2000 credit, all done during a month one period 11/1-11/30. My
query is Group by Sum of Transaction Amount where it is < - 999.99.

When the query is run, I don't get any results back because 2 different
user's processed an adjustment.

If the same person processed the $7000 credit, this account is showing up in
the results.

Regardless of how many people issued the credit, I want any credits that
total greater than or equal to -999.99 for each account and it is now coming


I removed the User ID and the Group BY for this criteria and I still come out
with the same results.

Here is my SQL....

SELECT TableA.Account, TableA.[Transaction Date], Sum(TableA.[Transaction
Amount]) AS [SumOfTransaction Amount], TableA.Market, TableA.[Customer Name],
TableA.[CSR Name], TableA.[MGR Name]
GROUP BY TableA.Account, TableA.[Transaction Date], TableA.Market,
TableA.[Customer Name], TableA.[CSR Name], TableA.[MGR Name]
HAVING (((TableA.[Transaction Date]) Between [start date] And [end date])
AND ((Sum(TableA.[Transaction Amount]))<-999.99));

Tom Ellison said:
Dear ljp:

I take it that [User Id] is in your GROUP BY clause.

Now, if you want to show the sum of the Transaction Amount column across all
values of [User Id], then the query cannot tell you WHICH user performed the
transactions, especially since, in principle at least, there could be
several separate users involved. It only makes sense, then, that you cannot
see which user entered the transaction(s) being summed if they are to be
summed across ALL users.

Remove [User Id] from the SELECT clause and from the GROUP BY clause and it
should work. Make sense?

Perhaps I haven't understood the problem correctly. If so, please post your
query SQL text. I would then try again, if I can.

Tom Ellison

ljp1215 said:
Table A contains the following fields

Transaction Date
Account Number
Transaction Amount (mostly a credit amount)
User ID
Mgr Id

Multiple Transaction amounts can be made to the account either by 1 user
multiple users.

On one account, I processed $5000 credit and on the same account you
processed $2000 credit, all done during a month one period 11/1-11/30. My
query is Group by Sum of Transaction Amount where it is < - 999.99.

When the query is run, I don't get any results back because 2 different
user's processed an adjustment.

If the same person processed the $7000 credit, this account is showing up
the results.

Regardless of how many people issued the credit, I want any credits that
total greater than or equal to -999.99 for each account and it is now

Tom Ellison

Dear ljp:

It really helps to see the query.

If the show the Transaction Date and group by it, then it will NOT SUM the
Transaction Amount across multiple dates. Same principle. To show each
date on which a transaction occurs, it must break out each and avery date.

Start more simply. Try this:

SELECT Account,
SUM([Transaction Amount] AS SumOfTrnsactionAmount
WHERE [Transaction Date] BETWEEN [start date] and [end date]
GROUP BY Account
HAVING SUM([Transaction Amount]) < 999.99

Note: do you mean < 1000, meaning to show when the sum is 999.99? Or do
you really mean the maximum sum to be 999.98?

Refering to the above query, does it run? Does it produce something like
the correct results? What other information do you want from this query?

I don't like this thing where criteria that belong in a WHERE clause end up
in the HAVING. Anybody else notice this, or object to it? Not your fault,

Tom Ellison

ljp1215 said:
I removed the User ID and the Group BY for this criteria and I still come
with the same results.

Here is my SQL....

SELECT TableA.Account, TableA.[Transaction Date], Sum(TableA.[Transaction
Amount]) AS [SumOfTransaction Amount], TableA.Market, TableA.[Customer
TableA.[CSR Name], TableA.[MGR Name]
GROUP BY TableA.Account, TableA.[Transaction Date], TableA.Market,
TableA.[Customer Name], TableA.[CSR Name], TableA.[MGR Name]
HAVING (((TableA.[Transaction Date]) Between [start date] And [end date])
AND ((Sum(TableA.[Transaction Amount]))<-999.99));

Tom Ellison said:
Dear ljp:

I take it that [User Id] is in your GROUP BY clause.

Now, if you want to show the sum of the Transaction Amount column across
values of [User Id], then the query cannot tell you WHICH user performed
transactions, especially since, in principle at least, there could be
several separate users involved. It only makes sense, then, that you
see which user entered the transaction(s) being summed if they are to be
summed across ALL users.

Remove [User Id] from the SELECT clause and from the GROUP BY clause and
should work. Make sense?

Perhaps I haven't understood the problem correctly. If so, please post
query SQL text. I would then try again, if I can.

Tom Ellison

ljp1215 said:
Table A contains the following fields

Transaction Date
Account Number
Transaction Amount (mostly a credit amount)
User ID
Mgr Id

Multiple Transaction amounts can be made to the account either by 1
multiple users.

On one account, I processed $5000 credit and on the same account you
processed $2000 credit, all done during a month one period 11/1-11/30.
query is Group by Sum of Transaction Amount where it is < - 999.99.

When the query is run, I don't get any results back because 2 different
user's processed an adjustment.

If the same person processed the $7000 credit, this account is showing
the results.

Regardless of how many people issued the credit, I want any credits
total greater than or equal to -999.99 for each account and it is now


In your note below: < 1000 would be (greater than or equal to a credit of

I will try the query and let you know. As far as your explanation it appears
to be what I am looking for.

One other piece of information that I would like, but it doesn't seem
possible is that I would need to have at least one user id per result. Maybe
the user id of who had the greater credit amount.

Tom Ellison said:
Dear ljp:

It really helps to see the query.

If the show the Transaction Date and group by it, then it will NOT SUM the
Transaction Amount across multiple dates. Same principle. To show each
date on which a transaction occurs, it must break out each and avery date.

Start more simply. Try this:

SELECT Account,
SUM([Transaction Amount] AS SumOfTrnsactionAmount
WHERE [Transaction Date] BETWEEN [start date] and [end date]
GROUP BY Account
HAVING SUM([Transaction Amount]) < 999.99

Note: do you mean < 1000, meaning to show when the sum is 999.99? Or do
you really mean the maximum sum to be 999.98?

Refering to the above query, does it run? Does it produce something like
the correct results? What other information do you want from this query?

I don't like this thing where criteria that belong in a WHERE clause end up
in the HAVING. Anybody else notice this, or object to it? Not your fault,

Tom Ellison

ljp1215 said:
I removed the User ID and the Group BY for this criteria and I still come
with the same results.

Here is my SQL....

SELECT TableA.Account, TableA.[Transaction Date], Sum(TableA.[Transaction
Amount]) AS [SumOfTransaction Amount], TableA.Market, TableA.[Customer
TableA.[CSR Name], TableA.[MGR Name]
GROUP BY TableA.Account, TableA.[Transaction Date], TableA.Market,
TableA.[Customer Name], TableA.[CSR Name], TableA.[MGR Name]
HAVING (((TableA.[Transaction Date]) Between [start date] And [end date])
AND ((Sum(TableA.[Transaction Amount]))<-999.99));

Tom Ellison said:
Dear ljp:

I take it that [User Id] is in your GROUP BY clause.

Now, if you want to show the sum of the Transaction Amount column across
values of [User Id], then the query cannot tell you WHICH user performed
transactions, especially since, in principle at least, there could be
several separate users involved. It only makes sense, then, that you
see which user entered the transaction(s) being summed if they are to be
summed across ALL users.

Remove [User Id] from the SELECT clause and from the GROUP BY clause and
should work. Make sense?

Perhaps I haven't understood the problem correctly. If so, please post
query SQL text. I would then try again, if I can.

Tom Ellison

Table A contains the following fields

Transaction Date
Account Number
Transaction Amount (mostly a credit amount)
User ID
Mgr Id

Multiple Transaction amounts can be made to the account either by 1
multiple users.

On one account, I processed $5000 credit and on the same account you
processed $2000 credit, all done during a month one period 11/1-11/30.
query is Group by Sum of Transaction Amount where it is < - 999.99.

When the query is run, I don't get any results back because 2 different
user's processed an adjustment.

If the same person processed the $7000 credit, this account is showing
the results.

Regardless of how many people issued the credit, I want any credits
total greater than or equal to -999.99 for each account and it is now

Tom Ellison

Dear ljp:

For that last change, I recommend you create a separate query that gives the
"user id of who had the greater credit amount" and then combine the two
queries, showing this whenever the COUNT() of the first query is zero.

Tom Ellison

ljp1215 said:
In your note below: < 1000 would be (greater than or equal to a credit of

I will try the query and let you know. As far as your explanation it
to be what I am looking for.

One other piece of information that I would like, but it doesn't seem
possible is that I would need to have at least one user id per result.
the user id of who had the greater credit amount.

Tom Ellison said:
Dear ljp:

It really helps to see the query.

If the show the Transaction Date and group by it, then it will NOT SUM
Transaction Amount across multiple dates. Same principle. To show each
date on which a transaction occurs, it must break out each and avery

Start more simply. Try this:

SELECT Account,
SUM([Transaction Amount] AS SumOfTrnsactionAmount
WHERE [Transaction Date] BETWEEN [start date] and [end date]
GROUP BY Account
HAVING SUM([Transaction Amount]) < 999.99

Note: do you mean < 1000, meaning to show when the sum is 999.99? Or do
you really mean the maximum sum to be 999.98?

Refering to the above query, does it run? Does it produce something like
the correct results? What other information do you want from this query?

I don't like this thing where criteria that belong in a WHERE clause end
in the HAVING. Anybody else notice this, or object to it? Not your

Tom Ellison

ljp1215 said:
I removed the User ID and the Group BY for this criteria and I still
with the same results.

Here is my SQL....

SELECT TableA.Account, TableA.[Transaction Date],
Amount]) AS [SumOfTransaction Amount], TableA.Market, TableA.[Customer
TableA.[CSR Name], TableA.[MGR Name]
GROUP BY TableA.Account, TableA.[Transaction Date], TableA.Market,
TableA.[Customer Name], TableA.[CSR Name], TableA.[MGR Name]
HAVING (((TableA.[Transaction Date]) Between [start date] And [end
AND ((Sum(TableA.[Transaction Amount]))<-999.99));


Dear ljp:

I take it that [User Id] is in your GROUP BY clause.

Now, if you want to show the sum of the Transaction Amount column
values of [User Id], then the query cannot tell you WHICH user
transactions, especially since, in principle at least, there could be
several separate users involved. It only makes sense, then, that you
see which user entered the transaction(s) being summed if they are to
summed across ALL users.

Remove [User Id] from the SELECT clause and from the GROUP BY clause
should work. Make sense?

Perhaps I haven't understood the problem correctly. If so, please
query SQL text. I would then try again, if I can.

Tom Ellison

Table A contains the following fields

Transaction Date
Account Number
Transaction Amount (mostly a credit amount)
User ID
Mgr Id

Multiple Transaction amounts can be made to the account either by 1
multiple users.

On one account, I processed $5000 credit and on the same account you
processed $2000 credit, all done during a month one period
query is Group by Sum of Transaction Amount where it is < - 999.99.

When the query is run, I don't get any results back because 2
user's processed an adjustment.

If the same person processed the $7000 credit, this account is
the results.

Regardless of how many people issued the credit, I want any credits
total greater than or equal to -999.99 for each account and it is

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