Group By



I have the following statment and I have tried most of the day to get what I
want and I just cant I'm about to start pulling my hair out. Below is the

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT tblSubscribers.Title, tblSubscribers.Forename, " &
"tblSubscribers.Surname, tblSubscribers.Company, " & _
"tblSubscribers.Address, " & _
"tblSubscribers.City, tblSubscribers.[Country/Region], " & _
"tblSubscribers.PostalCode, *" & _
"FROM tblSubscribers INNER JOIN tblsubscriptions ON " & _
"tblSubscribers.MailingListID = tblsubscriptions.MailingListID " & _
"WHERE tblsubscriptions.cattypes IN(" & strCriteria & ") " & _
"ORDER BY tblsubscribers.surname; "

It works ok but I can not get the Final result I want which is if there are
2 MailinglistID's the same I want in to group them together, I have tried
group by but this does not work does anyone else have any suggestions?

Thank you


Rob Oldfield

What is the link between the two MailingListID fields? A straight one to

If the same tblsubscriptions.MailingListID links to two distinct
tblSubscribers.MailingListIDs then your question doesn't make sense, and if
they link to the same tblSubscribers.MailingListID then a group query should
do the job.


I have a tblsubscribers, tblCatTypes and tblSubscriptions.

Each subscriber can have many subscriptions.

What I am trying to achieve is rather than sending 6 seperate envelopes out
th the same subscriber is to group each subscribers subscriptions together
and send them out in the same envelope. Sounds really easy but I can not get
it to work at all. I have tried using Select Distinct but this does not give
me the correct result and I have also tried Group By .. Do you have any

Thank you


Rob Oldfield said:
What is the link between the two MailingListID fields? A straight one to

If the same tblsubscriptions.MailingListID links to two distinct
tblSubscribers.MailingListIDs then your question doesn't make sense, and if
they link to the same tblSubscribers.MailingListID then a group query should
do the job.

Simonglencross said:
I have the following statment and I have tried most of the day to get
want and I just cant I'm about to start pulling my hair out. Below is the

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT tblSubscribers.Title, tblSubscribers.Forename,
"tblSubscribers.Surname, tblSubscribers.Company, " & _
"tblSubscribers.Address, " & _
"tblSubscribers.City, tblSubscribers.[Country/Region], " & _
"tblSubscribers.PostalCode, *" & _
"FROM tblSubscribers INNER JOIN tblsubscriptions ON " & _
"tblSubscribers.MailingListID = tblsubscriptions.MailingListID " & _
"WHERE tblsubscriptions.cattypes IN(" & strCriteria & ") " & _
"ORDER BY tblsubscribers.surname; "

It works ok but I can not get the Final result I want which is if there are
2 MailinglistID's the same I want in to group them together, I have tried
group by but this does not work does anyone else have any suggestions?

Thank you


Rob Oldfield

I'm still not sure exactly what you're after... but try this...

Set up two tables...

Subscribers (SubscriberID - autonumber pk, Name - text)
Subscriptions (SubsciberID - number, long integer, Mail - text)

....and add some sample data.

Hopefully that's a cut down version of what you have.

Now add a new field onto subscribers - AllSubscriptions - text. I'm going
to use that to store all the 'Mail' data belonging to that subscriber.

The query...

UPDATE Subscribers INNER JOIN Subscriptions ON Subscribers.SubscriberID =
Subscriptions.SubscriberID SET Subscribers.AllSubscriptions =
[AllSubscriptions] & [Mail] & ",";

Any good?

Simonglencross said:
I have a tblsubscribers, tblCatTypes and tblSubscriptions.

Each subscriber can have many subscriptions.

What I am trying to achieve is rather than sending 6 seperate envelopes out
th the same subscriber is to group each subscribers subscriptions together
and send them out in the same envelope. Sounds really easy but I can not get
it to work at all. I have tried using Select Distinct but this does not give
me the correct result and I have also tried Group By .. Do you have any

Thank you


Rob Oldfield said:
What is the link between the two MailingListID fields? A straight one to

If the same tblsubscriptions.MailingListID links to two distinct
tblSubscribers.MailingListIDs then your question doesn't make sense, and if
they link to the same tblSubscribers.MailingListID then a group query should
do the job.

"tblSubscribers.Surname, tblSubscribers.Company, " & _
"tblSubscribers.Address, " & _
"tblSubscribers.City, tblSubscribers.[Country/Region], " & _
"tblSubscribers.PostalCode, *" & _
"FROM tblSubscribers INNER JOIN tblsubscriptions ON " & _
"tblSubscribers.MailingListID = tblsubscriptions.MailingListID " & _
"WHERE tblsubscriptions.cattypes IN(" & strCriteria & ") " & _
"ORDER BY tblsubscribers.surname; "

It works ok but I can not get the Final result I want which is if
2 MailinglistID's the same I want in to group them together, I have tried
group by but this does not work does anyone else have any suggestions?

Thank you



Let me explain a little better.....

I have three tables
Primary Key is MailinglistID
Otherfields Title
Postcode etc etc
Primary Key CatId

Primary Key SubscriptionID
Foriegn Key MailinglistID

Each subscriber can subscribe to 1 or more catalogues. I have setup a form
with a multiselect list box which sends the selection to a query this all
works fine but I am unable to set it so that I do NOT get three labels for 1
person because they subscribed to 3 catalogues. I want to be able group the
3 together so that it produces 1 label. I have tried the distinct and Group
by clauses without success here is the code which I am using with me
multiselect list box....

Private Sub Command14_Click()

' Declare variables
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String
' Get the database and stored query
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("NewQuery16")
' Loop through the selected items in the list box and build a text string
For Each varItem In Me!List8.ItemsSelected
strCriteria = strCriteria & ",'" & Me!List8.ItemData(varItem) & "'"
Next varItem
' Check that user selected something
If Len(strCriteria) = 0 Then
MsgBox "You did not select anything from the list" _
, vbExclamation, "Nothing to find!"
Exit Sub
End If
' Remove the leading comma from the string
strCriteria = Right(strCriteria, Len(strCriteria) - 1)

' Build the new SQL statement incorporating the string
strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT tblSubscribers.Title, tblSubscribers.Forename, "
& _
"tblSubscribers.Surname, tblSubscribers.Company, " & _
"tblSubscribers.Address, " & _
"tblSubscribers.City, tblSubscribers.[Country/Region], " & _
"tblSubscribers.PostalCode, *" & _
"FROM tblSubscribers INNER JOIN tblsubscriptions ON " & _
"tblSubscribers.MailingListID = tblsubscriptions.MailingListID " & _
"WHERE tblsubscriptions.cattypes IN(" & strCriteria & ") " & _
"ORDER BY tblsubscribers.surname; "

Debug.Print strSQL

' Apply the new SQL statement to the query
qdf.SQL = strSQL
' Open the query
DoCmd.OpenQuery "NewQuery16", acViewPreview

' Empty the memory
Set db = Nothing
Set qdf = Nothing
End Sub

Thank you for your help I've been working on this all day and its driving me


Rob Oldfield said:
I'm still not sure exactly what you're after... but try this...

Set up two tables...

Subscribers (SubscriberID - autonumber pk, Name - text)
Subscriptions (SubsciberID - number, long integer, Mail - text)

...and add some sample data.

Hopefully that's a cut down version of what you have.

Now add a new field onto subscribers - AllSubscriptions - text. I'm going
to use that to store all the 'Mail' data belonging to that subscriber.

The query...

UPDATE Subscribers INNER JOIN Subscriptions ON Subscribers.SubscriberID =
Subscriptions.SubscriberID SET Subscribers.AllSubscriptions =
[AllSubscriptions] & [Mail] & ",";

Any good?

Simonglencross said:
I have a tblsubscribers, tblCatTypes and tblSubscriptions.

Each subscriber can have many subscriptions.

What I am trying to achieve is rather than sending 6 seperate envelopes out
th the same subscriber is to group each subscribers subscriptions together
and send them out in the same envelope. Sounds really easy but I can not get
it to work at all. I have tried using Select Distinct but this does not give
me the correct result and I have also tried Group By .. Do you have any

Thank you


Rob Oldfield said:
What is the link between the two MailingListID fields? A straight one to

If the same tblsubscriptions.MailingListID links to two distinct
tblSubscribers.MailingListIDs then your question doesn't make sense,
they link to the same tblSubscribers.MailingListID then a group query should
do the job.

I have the following statment and I have tried most of the day to
want and I just cant I'm about to start pulling my hair out. Below

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT tblSubscribers.Title,
"tblSubscribers.Surname, tblSubscribers.Company, " & _
"tblSubscribers.Address, " & _
"tblSubscribers.City, tblSubscribers.[Country/Region], " & _
"tblSubscribers.PostalCode, *" & _
"FROM tblSubscribers INNER JOIN tblsubscriptions ON " & _
"tblSubscribers.MailingListID = tblsubscriptions.MailingListID " & _
"WHERE tblsubscriptions.cattypes IN(" & strCriteria & ") " & _
"ORDER BY tblsubscribers.surname; "

It works ok but I can not get the Final result I want which is if there
2 MailinglistID's the same I want in to group them together, I have tried
group by but this does not work does anyone else have any suggestions?

Thank you


John Spencer (MVP)

First, drop the * from the SELECT clause. That will return every field and
assuming you have a primary key (you should have) then you are going to get one
record for each primary key. For convenience sake, I aliased you tblSubscribers
to shorten the code.

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT S.Title, S.Forename, " & _
"S.Surname, S.Company, " & _
"S.Address, " & _
"S.City, S.[Country/Region], " & _
"S.PostalCode " & _
"FROM tblSubscribers AS S INNER JOIN tblsubscriptions ON " & _
"S.MailingListID = tblsubscriptions.MailingListID " & _
"WHERE tblsubscriptions.cattypes IN(" & strCriteria & ") " & _
"ORDER BY S.surname "

Rob Oldfield

Sorry to get repetetive... but what do you actually want? Please provide an
example of both the input tables and what you want to get at.

Simonglencross said:
Let me explain a little better.....

I have three tables
Primary Key is MailinglistID
Otherfields Title
Postcode etc etc
Primary Key CatId

Primary Key SubscriptionID
Foriegn Key MailinglistID

Each subscriber can subscribe to 1 or more catalogues. I have setup a form
with a multiselect list box which sends the selection to a query this all
works fine but I am unable to set it so that I do NOT get three labels for 1
person because they subscribed to 3 catalogues. I want to be able group the
3 together so that it produces 1 label. I have tried the distinct and Group
by clauses without success here is the code which I am using with me
multiselect list box....

Private Sub Command14_Click()

' Declare variables
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String
' Get the database and stored query
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("NewQuery16")
' Loop through the selected items in the list box and build a text string
For Each varItem In Me!List8.ItemsSelected
strCriteria = strCriteria & ",'" & Me!List8.ItemData(varItem) & "'"
Next varItem
' Check that user selected something
If Len(strCriteria) = 0 Then
MsgBox "You did not select anything from the list" _
, vbExclamation, "Nothing to find!"
Exit Sub
End If
' Remove the leading comma from the string
strCriteria = Right(strCriteria, Len(strCriteria) - 1)

' Build the new SQL statement incorporating the string
strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT tblSubscribers.Title, tblSubscribers.Forename, "
& _
"tblSubscribers.Surname, tblSubscribers.Company, " & _
"tblSubscribers.Address, " & _
"tblSubscribers.City, tblSubscribers.[Country/Region], " & _
"tblSubscribers.PostalCode, *" & _
"FROM tblSubscribers INNER JOIN tblsubscriptions ON " & _
"tblSubscribers.MailingListID = tblsubscriptions.MailingListID " & _
"WHERE tblsubscriptions.cattypes IN(" & strCriteria & ") " & _
"ORDER BY tblsubscribers.surname; "

Debug.Print strSQL

' Apply the new SQL statement to the query
qdf.SQL = strSQL
' Open the query
DoCmd.OpenQuery "NewQuery16", acViewPreview

' Empty the memory
Set db = Nothing
Set qdf = Nothing
End Sub

Thank you for your help I've been working on this all day and its driving me


Rob Oldfield said:
I'm still not sure exactly what you're after... but try this...

Set up two tables...

Subscribers (SubscriberID - autonumber pk, Name - text)
Subscriptions (SubsciberID - number, long integer, Mail - text)

...and add some sample data.

Hopefully that's a cut down version of what you have.

Now add a new field onto subscribers - AllSubscriptions - text. I'm going
to use that to store all the 'Mail' data belonging to that subscriber.

The query...

UPDATE Subscribers INNER JOIN Subscriptions ON Subscribers.SubscriberID =
Subscriptions.SubscriberID SET Subscribers.AllSubscriptions =
[AllSubscriptions] & [Mail] & ",";

Any good?

Simonglencross said:
I have a tblsubscribers, tblCatTypes and tblSubscriptions.

Each subscriber can have many subscriptions.

What I am trying to achieve is rather than sending 6 seperate
th the same subscriber is to group each subscribers subscriptions together
and send them out in the same envelope. Sounds really easy but I can
it to work at all. I have tried using Select Distinct but this does
me the correct result and I have also tried Group By .. Do you have any

Thank you


What is the link between the two MailingListID fields? A straight

If the same tblsubscriptions.MailingListID links to two distinct
tblSubscribers.MailingListIDs then your question doesn't make sense, and
they link to the same tblSubscribers.MailingListID then a group query
do the job.

I have the following statment and I have tried most of the day to get
want and I just cant I'm about to start pulling my hair out. Below is

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT tblSubscribers.Title, tblSubscribers.Forename,
"tblSubscribers.Surname, tblSubscribers.Company, " & _
"tblSubscribers.Address, " & _
"tblSubscribers.City, tblSubscribers.[Country/Region], " & _
"tblSubscribers.PostalCode, *" & _
"FROM tblSubscribers INNER JOIN tblsubscriptions ON " & _
"tblSubscribers.MailingListID = tblsubscriptions.MailingListID " & _
"WHERE tblsubscriptions.cattypes IN(" & strCriteria & ") " & _
"ORDER BY tblsubscribers.surname; "

It works ok but I can not get the Final result I want which is if there
2 MailinglistID's the same I want in to group them together, I have
group by but this does not work does anyone else have any suggestions?

Thank you


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