Dear Russ,
I have tried the BCC method. However, what appears on
the 'To:' is Undisclosed-Recipients, which I don't like.
Then I created a bogus group name (which is very much
similar to the actual group name) using my email address.
The actual group name was then put in the BCC. This seems
to work, the recipient see the bogus group name instead
of 'Undisclosed-recipient' but I can't send more than one
bogus group name. Please note that all the bogus group
names are using my email address.
Thanks and regards
-----Original Message-----
Put the addresses in the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) field of the mail header.
If that field doesn't show while you're composing a E- mail go to the View
menu and select 'BCC Field'.
Alternately you could use an application like the ones listed here:
Russ Valentine
Brenda said:
When I send an email using a group name, my recipents will
know who are the other people receiving the email. Is
there anyway to prevent this? What I would like is to be
able to send an email to a group of people (of different
groups of people) without them knowing whoelse is on the
mailing list.