Group function with hidden rows



I have a worksheet that contains option buttons where a user can "check"
which sections of the worksheet they wish to view. When the user either
checks or unchecks a box, the designated rows for that box are unhidden (if
they uncheck the box, the rows are hidden again). Within this same
worksheet I am using the Excel Group function to define two levels of detail
-- if the user selects Group 1 in the Excel grid, certain rows are collapsed,
if they select Group 2, these rows are visible.

The issue I am having is when the user tries to select Group 2 after they
have chosen which sections they wish to view via the checkbox buttons. Let's
say the user has chosen to view sections 1-4. This works fine as long as
they are viewing Group 1 (details hidden), but if they select Group 2
(details expanded), the detail rows are expanded/unhidden for ALL sections
1-8 --- not just sections 1-4. Is there anything I can do to keep the
grouped rows from expanding if the user does not want to view that section?

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