I am trying to install say office xp or any version of office we will say
office xp for this discussion. I know you can modify the setup.ini file to
install the office product key without having to type it in the boxes. I know
to edit the .INI file you go to the options section and
IDKEY=DWHFKWDFJFJWFWLDF Now when You click setup it automatically
inputs the key for you saving you the effort of inputting it by hand. What I
can not figure out is when I run the proplus.msi file to run the setup the
product key is not automatically inputed the boxes are just blank. Why did it
work when I try to install from setup.exe and not proplus.msi I want to
eventually figure this out because I want to use Group Policy to deploy
office to all new users that join my company. As you know GP in active
directory software extensions only deploy .msi files and not setup exe so
this is why I need to figure this out. So I can put a VLK in the .INI file so
the new users do not have to input the key. Any help on this issue would be
greatly appreciated. Please reply to (e-mail address removed) if you know how to
fix my issue thank you.
office xp for this discussion. I know you can modify the setup.ini file to
install the office product key without having to type it in the boxes. I know
to edit the .INI file you go to the options section and
inputs the key for you saving you the effort of inputting it by hand. What I
can not figure out is when I run the proplus.msi file to run the setup the
product key is not automatically inputed the boxes are just blank. Why did it
work when I try to install from setup.exe and not proplus.msi I want to
eventually figure this out because I want to use Group Policy to deploy
office to all new users that join my company. As you know GP in active
directory software extensions only deploy .msi files and not setup exe so
this is why I need to figure this out. So I can put a VLK in the .INI file so
the new users do not have to input the key. Any help on this issue would be
greatly appreciated. Please reply to (e-mail address removed) if you know how to
fix my issue thank you.