Group triangle can not longer be used to collapse/expand.



I am using Entourage 2004 and have the view set to View by Groups (currently
categories). It seems that I used to be able to use the triangle by the
group name to collapse/expand each group. However, that seems to have
stopped working. Instead, clicking the triangle results in all the messages
within that group opening in a separate window.

Any ideas on how I can revert to having the triangle collapse/expand the


Found the answer to my own question.
Links must used as a column (View-Columns) in order for the collapse/expand
to work. If it is a hidden column, then Entourage acts as described below.

Dave Cortright

I am using Entourage 2004 and have the view set to View by Groups (currently
categories). It seems that I used to be able to use the triangle by the
group name to collapse/expand each group. However, that seems to have
stopped working. Instead, clicking the triangle results in all the messages
within that group opening in a separate window.

Any ideas on how I can revert to having the triangle collapse/expand the
Yes, turn on the Links Column in View:Columns.

Lyle Turner

Ok, fine that works. But why can you click on the triangle in newsgroups?
Why not work the same in both? (I know, newsgroups doesn't have links - but
why make them different?)

Mickey Stevens

It's a bug. If the first column in the View -> Columns menu is disabled,
then the triangles won't work. In mail views, the first column is Links, so
that column has to be turned off for the triangles to work. In newsgroup
windows, the first column in the list is "Online Status," so whether the
triangles work is dependent on whether that column is enabled or disabled.

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