Dean said:
City Delivery Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Weekly
Annual Leave 48 48
% of Total 100.0%
FD LWOP 48 48
% of Total 100.0%
Customer Service Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Weekly
FD LWOP 17 17
% of Total 100.0%
Work Hours 48 48
% of Total 100.0%
This is text from the report itself. What I'm trying to do is to use work
hours from each specific sub group (office) as a base to calculate percentage
of leave by leave type for each office.
Sorry, but I failed to deduce which lines are group headers,
which are details and which are footers. I also have no
idea how any of those numbers relate to any other number.
Nor do I see how any of that relates to your original
Could you walk me through it?