Grouping Dates to get information!



I have the following 2 dates in my table.... DateReceived, DateCompleted. An
employee receives requests daily. They will receive a rqst and enter the rqst
in the Date Received field, if its completed, they will fill the
DateCompleted Field
How do I calculate the Total rqst pending, calculate the Total Rqst
Completed regadles of when it was received etc......

I would like to create a report whereby it will look like this

Date: Total Rqst Total Rqst Total Rst
Rcvd Completed Pending

1/1/05 10 5 5
02/01/05 5 7 2
03/01/05 0 2 0

Al Camp

Try the ReportFooter for an "overall" total of all values listed.

= Sum(TotalRqstRcvd) - Sum(TotalRqstCompleted)
will give the "overall" total.

Al Camp
Candia Computer Consulting - Candia NH> employee receives requests daily.
They will receive a rqst and enter the rqst
in the Date Received field, if its completed, they will fill the

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