Grouping objects from paint with objects in word made from the drawing tool bar



I made an object in MS Paint and then pasted it into Word. I then put some other graphics and text around this object with the intent to make it all as one object. I am able to group everything together except for the paint object. How do I get all of the objects including the object from paint to be grouped together as one?

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?Q2FuZGljZQ==?=,
I made an object in MS Paint and then pasted it into Word. I then put some
other graphics and text around this object with the intent to make it all as one
object. I am able to group everything together except for the paint object. How
do I get all of the objects including the object from paint to be grouped together
as one?It would help a lot if you mention which version of Word you have. However, I
usually have the best luck using Word's internal Picture Editor. You can pull
"Word Picture" from Tools/Customize/Commands, the Drawing category, to your
Drawing toolbar. click it to open Word's Picture editor. Bring in the Paint object
and add the other stuff.

When you're done, be sure to click the left-hand button on the little toolbar
before clicking the one to close the Picture Editor. In order to make any changes,
just double-click the picture.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep 30 2003)

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