Bob Barnes
Access 2003...
Simple Query that includes "YrGrad" (Year Graduated).
It's a text field because the User wants to be able to have
"2006", "2005, 2006", "UK" (the School...working to get them
to change that to year/ years).
I use a DoCmd.OpenReport...to filter whatever is selected in a dropdown.
If "All Years" is selected in the Dropdown (part of a Union Select), there
is no filter in the DoCmd.OpenReport. When "All Years" (all records in the
Query) opens, the Grouping goes crazy...IE..."UK", "93, 95", "2006" and
"1987" is all that Groups.
TIA - Bob
Simple Query that includes "YrGrad" (Year Graduated).
It's a text field because the User wants to be able to have
"2006", "2005, 2006", "UK" (the School...working to get them
to change that to year/ years).
I use a DoCmd.OpenReport...to filter whatever is selected in a dropdown.
If "All Years" is selected in the Dropdown (part of a Union Select), there
is no filter in the DoCmd.OpenReport. When "All Years" (all records in the
Query) opens, the Grouping goes crazy...IE..."UK", "93, 95", "2006" and
"1987" is all that Groups.
TIA - Bob