Grouping Resource - then reporting by group in Portfolio Analyzer


Deborah R

I would like to group our resources in our Enterprise resource pool by the
area they work in (i.e. siebel developers, Business Line, Testing, etc.) I
would then like to use those groups in reporting through Portfolio Analyzer.
What is the simplest way of doing this? We do not need to show hierarchy of
reporting by any means, just simply groups. Should I do this by customizing
an enterprise field and applying to the respource pool? I have never done
that actually so I am trying to find someone who can break it down into steps
for me of the best approach for grouping our resources and being able to
report by group in portfolio analyzer. ANY help at all would be so greatly
Thank you in advance!!

Dale Howard [MVP]

Deborah --

You must use a custom enterprise Resource outline code for this purpose. To
do this, complete the following steps:

1. Launch Microsoft Project Professional and log into Project Server with
administrator permissions
2. Click Tools - Enterprise Options - Open Enterprise Global
3. Click Tools - Customize - Enterprise Fields
4. Select the Custom Outline Codes tab
5. Select the Resource option
6. Select an available outline code, such as Enterprise Resource Outline
Code1, and then click the Rename button
7. Give the outline code a new name, such as Work Area, and then click OK
8. Click the Define Code Mask button
9. Set the Sequence value to Characters, the Length value to Any, and the
Separator value to the Period symbol
10. Click the OK button
11. Click the Edit Lookup Table button
12. Enter your list of work areas in the Outline Code column
13. Click the Close button
14. Click the OK button to close the Customize Enterprise Fields dialog
15. Save and close the Enterprise Global file
16. Exit and relaunch Microsoft Project Professional (mandatory step)

After completing the above steps, you must set a value in the Work Area
field for every resource in the Enterprise Resource Pool. To do so,
complete these steps:

1. Click Tools - Enterprise Options - Open Enterprise Resource Pool
2. Click the Select/Deselect All button
3. Click the Open/Add button
4. Right-click on the Type column header and select Insert Column from the
shortcut menu
5. Select the Work Area field, set the Align Data field to Left, and then
click the OK button
6. Widen the Work Area field as necessary
7. Select a Work Area value for every resource
8. Save and close the Enterprise Resource Pool

After you perform all of the above steps, your project managers should open
each of their projects, press the F9 function key to recalculate the
project, and then click Collaborate - Publish - Project Plan to "push" the
latest project data to PWA. The next time your OLAP cube rebuilds, you will
see the Work Area information in Portfolio Analyzer views. Obviously, you
should create one or more custom Portfolio Analyzer views using this new
Work Area outline code. Hope this helps.

Deborah R

Dale, thank you sooo much!! You could not have been more helpful..this is
EXACTLY what I needed, thank you for the detailed step by step procedure!

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