columnA ColumnB ColumnC columnD
12345 23 78956 10.00
12345 23 89153 15.00
56780 23 15687 20.00
56780 23 15890 20.00
12345 23 78853 30.00
12345 23 87568 30.00
I am importing a table from an external source structured as above
and if I sum columnD based on grouping on columnA I would get total
12345 = 85.00 4 detail records
56780 = 40.00 2 detail records
what I want to get however is
12345 = 25.00 2 detail records
56780 = 40.00 2 detail records
12345 = 60.00 2 detail records
Apart from grouping is there any other query I can build that
would give me the expected result
12345 23 78956 10.00
12345 23 89153 15.00
56780 23 15687 20.00
56780 23 15890 20.00
12345 23 78853 30.00
12345 23 87568 30.00
I am importing a table from an external source structured as above
and if I sum columnD based on grouping on columnA I would get total
12345 = 85.00 4 detail records
56780 = 40.00 2 detail records
what I want to get however is
12345 = 25.00 2 detail records
56780 = 40.00 2 detail records
12345 = 60.00 2 detail records
Apart from grouping is there any other query I can build that
would give me the expected result