


I have a report and in its detail there is a control for sex and a
control for race. These controls are drop down boxes getting their
values from a table.
I am trying to figure out a way that the report will count these
controls. For instance, instead of listing 6 white people in Club A. I
just want it to say White 6. Or Female 2 Male 2.

How do i do this?

The report is showing members belonging to a particular club. Club is
my header. Sex and race my detail.

Marshall Barton

I have a report and in its detail there is a control for sex and a
control for race. These controls are drop down boxes getting their
values from a table.
I am trying to figure out a way that the report will count these
controls. For instance, instead of listing 6 white people in Club A. I
just want it to say White 6. Or Female 2 Male 2.

How do i do this?

The report is showing members belonging to a particular club. Club is
my header. Sex and race my detail.

I don't understand what result you want. If it's a grand
total at the end of the report, then you should be able to
do the same thing in the report footer as in the group
footer, whatever that is.

If your report's data records are just a list of clubs with
their demographics, then maybe all you need is to use text
boxes with expressions like =Sum(white)

Maybe we need more information about your report's
organization and its data records before attempting to
provide an intelligent answer.

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