You misunderstood what Duane was saying.
You can do this one of two ways depending on what you are doing. You stated
you are sorting. Where in the report are you doing this sort? If it is
using the Sorting and Grouping, then rather than using the [Category] field
which is text, use Val([Category]) which will return only the numeric part of
[Category]. If you are not using sorting and grouping, create a calculated
field using the same formula and set it to sort ascending.
Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP
stephendeloach via said:
Sorry. I entered =Val([Category]) in the query under criteria and ran the
query and nothing came up. When it isnt entered all the categories come up...
Duane said:
"still didnt work" ...? Can you be a little more specific? What exactly did
you enter as the Sorting and Grouping expression and what were your results?
That still didnt work... Any other suggestions? Thanks
[quoted text clipped - 5 lines]
ABD... all the way to 15 - Repairs. When it is sorted its 1 - BBH 12 -
Housing 13 - Fuel... and so on. How can i make it 1, 2, 3, 4... ??