


In the navigation pane is a command 'add new group' I have done so and named
the group. For my purposes I would like to work with 'Suspect' 'Prospect' and
Customer groups whilst using Categories to indicate market sectors.

I cannot seem to do anything with the newly created group nor can I find
readily accessible information in BCM help.

Does anyone have an example of creating and using a new group?



do you mean the "add new group" option in the 'customize form' menu? It
enables you to create new groups that consists of new fields. You want to
name your group for example "General Information" and then you add new fields
to this group (for example: # of employees, sales...) The new group just
places the new fields that you create for it together, it is more a headline
for a collection of fields that belong together.

Hopefully this is helpful for you. :)

Best regards,



Hi Anjaconda,
thank you for your answer - I have located the route you suggest. However,
it is not what I'm referring to.
In the navigation pane on the left hand side of the screen there is a line
toward the bottom, just above 'Mail' 'Calendar' 'Contacts' and 'Tasks' which
says 'Add New Group' - when you click on this, a 'New Group' button is
created just above 'Current View'.

If you right-click on this button, it can be renamed, removed or moved up or
down the list, above or below 'Business Contact Manager' in the navigation

When you click on this, the screen to the right of it remains the same -
that is, if you were looking at 'Accounts' that is what still shows in the
main window.

I cannot see what can be done in the 'New Group' created.


Ok, thank you for the explanation, i found the field that you are talking
about. I have tried this before (because i see new Groups created there) but
I could never figure out how to use this either.

Hopefully someone else can help with this.



Anjaconda, Your answer is reassurring to me because I thought I was missing
something obvious.

I have tried a different route to posting my query and it has appeared on
this page again! (above)


It's funny that you just posted this because I was pondering the same thing
today and thought it was the most useless feature ever. "Look at me, I can
move my group around - look at it lay there - LOL." However, after much
fiddling I have determined the following:

The "Group" that is being created is a way to organize "Contacts" folders.
For example, if you create a new group you can move your contacts folder into
it from the "My Contacts" group, which is just another group. If you open the
folder list in a new window you can drag any Contacts folder into your new
group or any other group. I hope this helps!

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