I have a 30 page document that started at 946KB. I did some editing i
a table (enboldened some characters). When I highlighted the word
clicked on the Bold button, the entire table went bold. I did an und
and all went back to normal except for the word that I originall
wanted to be bold. I though all was hunky dory. After I bolden
number of words in this manner, much to my dismay, the document gre
and grew...now 96 MBs. what happened
a table (enboldened some characters). When I highlighted the word
clicked on the Bold button, the entire table went bold. I did an und
and all went back to normal except for the word that I originall
wanted to be bold. I though all was hunky dory. After I bolden
number of words in this manner, much to my dismay, the document gre
and grew...now 96 MBs. what happened