Fabrice Depeisses
I need help!
I've just install "Microsoft Office Groove 2007", and I'm in a deadlock
situation: I'm not able to run Groove.
Let me explain: I was using Groove 3.1, when I decided to install Groove
I followed the instruction:
- I've downloaded and run the Groove Migrator utility
- I've removed Groove 3.1
- I've downloaded Groove 2007 (OG-FR.EXE)
- First attemp to install Groove 2007: not enough space on my disk
- (may be the bad thing
I've cleaned my disk
- Installation with success of Groove 2007
- Rebout my PC (several times!!!)
- Now, when I launch Groove 2007: I have the following error: "Account
upgrade unsuccessful" - Unable to upgrade account...
- Now, I'm not able to go ahead
- I'm in a deadlock situation
Could you please help me and tell me how can I get out this situation?
It's quite urgent...I was using groove every day.
Best regards, Fabrice Depeisses Capgemini- France - 33476526345
I need help!
I've just install "Microsoft Office Groove 2007", and I'm in a deadlock
situation: I'm not able to run Groove.
Let me explain: I was using Groove 3.1, when I decided to install Groove
I followed the instruction:
- I've downloaded and run the Groove Migrator utility
- I've removed Groove 3.1
- I've downloaded Groove 2007 (OG-FR.EXE)
- First attemp to install Groove 2007: not enough space on my disk
- (may be the bad thing
- Installation with success of Groove 2007
- Rebout my PC (several times!!!)
- Now, when I launch Groove 2007: I have the following error: "Account
upgrade unsuccessful" - Unable to upgrade account...
- Now, I'm not able to go ahead
- I'm in a deadlock situation
Could you please help me and tell me how can I get out this situation?
It's quite urgent...I was using groove every day.
Best regards, Fabrice Depeisses Capgemini- France - 33476526345