GuestBook Failure???


Brian Shafer

I had a guest book that would work.. standard setup from fp 2003.. I tried
adding email capabilites to it and it didn't work.. so then I remove the
email stuff.. but now my guestlog does not show up? There is data in it..
any idea?

Please remove the 123 from the EMAIL Address. This has been added to prevent

pssssst! Here spammer, spammer, spammer.
(e-mail address removed), (e-mail address removed), (e-mail address removed), (e-mail address removed)

Stefan B Rusynko

Provide a URL of the page

The posted results show up as an include page below your form
- check your path for the include page

| hello,
| I had a guest book that would work.. standard setup from fp 2003.. I tried
| adding email capabilites to it and it didn't work.. so then I remove the
| email stuff.. but now my guestlog does not show up? There is data in it..
| any idea?
| Brian
| --
| Please remove the 123 from the EMAIL Address. This has been added to prevent
| spamming.
| pssssst! Here spammer, spammer, spammer.
| (e-mail address removed), (e-mail address removed), (e-mail address removed), (e-mail address removed)

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