


Win2k, OL 2002 SP3

I installed the Trial Version of Franklin Covey Plan Plus for Outlook.
Then I used "Uninstall Programs" to remove it. I also did a "Search" for
files and for text that included part of the name. All that appears to be
left is the reference in the C:WINNT\setupapi.log.

But the folder and its sub-folders still appear in the Folder List, and
decline to be removed.

Wa't'l I do NOW?

thanks much!


Many thanks! But I can't see it - What's it the answer to? I have found
NOTHING helpful on their site.

I have spent HOURS with them! They are as unhelpful as their siftware is
glitchy - it makes all of OL run badly. I feel as though I am Beta Testing.

I like their paper products (although the 2006 calendar paper is thinner and
more difficult to handle), but neither of their software products is ready
for Prime Time.

Since posting, I found it in the registry, deleted it there, and then was
able to delete the icons.

What a bother!

Thank you very much, William!

BTW: Do you have any suggestiuons for a scheduler and to-do list manager
that I can run on both my Win XP desktop and my Palm OS handheld?

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