Hammock Task Link Question



I am using a hammock task to pull information from a task to the top of the
schedule to satisfy some requirement. My question is when I select the cell
and go to edit/Link change source the following is displayed:
Path\filename.mpp!LINK_4. My question is what does !LINK_4 mean? I
inserted another hammock and dynamically linked it and it displays the same
thing with !LINK_6 on the end.
Any ideas? I am using MSOP 2007.
Thanks in advance for your comments/insight.

Mike Glen

Hi CB,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

The simplest way to set up a hammock task is indicated in FAQ Item: 19.
Hammock Tasks.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: http://project.mvps.org/faqs.htm

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
Project MVP


Hi Mike,
Thanks for your response. I know how to set up the hammock tasks. My
qestion is related in to how to follow the link back to the source data and
what the !Link means in the linked data path.
Any info would be appreciated.

Gérard Ducouret

To follow the link back to the source data, double click the cell which
receives the link (with a small grey triangle)

Gérard Ducouret

Jack Dahlgren

The name of the link - "!Link_n" is just the way links are identified. They
are numbered sequentially in the order that they are created.

You can't really follow the link back to the source. You can only follow it
back to the document that it links to.
Those sorts of link are quite fragile and date back to the early versions of
Project. I'd be very careful about using them as they have a reputation for
being easy to break and difficult to troubleshoot. The only way to work with
them is through the "Edit Menu" / "Links" dialog.

-Jack Dahlgren


Thanks Jack. This was exactly what I thought. I don't favor using these as
I don't have control over them. I prefer to enter the effort into the task
usage for LOE tasks. However, sometimes we can't get around a
customer/client request to show milestones at the top of the schedule and
this really doesn't fit the flow of a schedule. I will recommend that we use
these only to mirror start, finish and % completes for milestones that need
to be displayed at the beginning.

Gérard Ducouret

Hello Jack,

May be you deactivated the check box : OLE links indicators in the Tools /
Options / View dialog.
But even if you don't display the grey triangle, the double click is
efficient: it leads you to the source event if the source is an Excel cell.

Gérard Ducouret

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