Handling Events Raised by referenced dll




I had a problem with handling events raised by referenced VB dll. I Can't
handle those events.
The problem looks like this.

Sample.dll consists of a class module and Form.
An Event, per supose on CmdButton Clicked event in the Form raises "Export"
event, and this event is handled by the class module as

Private WithEvents m_form As Form1

and in m_form_Export event handler i raised another event for out side
objects as.

private sub m_form_Export ()
RaiseEvent SecondEvent
End sub

(Problem is to handle this second event in second project)

Till now its working Fine.
i made a Sample.dll with above project and made this dll as reference in
another Project2.

Now in this project2 i had created new class and form.

In the Class i had Created the Object for , Sample.dll s class

here I called the function which raises a event in class.

But the code for handle the event is not invocked..But the Events in Dll are
invoked as they are displaying MessageBoxes.

Could any one knows this problem please help me.

I think Event poll may suite for this case.



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