Hands Up who knows what a Network looks like ?



Interesting reading is Visio's translation of the word "Network", it seems to
pertain to a Data orientated Network devoid of, or unaware of transmission
network topology that is used to link Data nodes together. Granted , the
conceptual border line between Data and Transmission is becoming greyer all
the time, yet, the beauty of transmission archecture is its more structured
approach, hence its more predictable. Whilst the Data WAN/LAN topology is
more flexible it is, in a sense, more dynamic. Unfortunatley Visio seems
unaware of the existance of tranmission networks and yet their product lends
itself so eloquently to transmission solutions, ai ai aieee if only they
knew that all Marconi's customers could become Visio customers , all Nokia's
customers could be your clients if only you knew, if only, .....

Al Edlund

For more fun, read a software architecture design document and find
'networking' as non-functional requirements. After that the fun part is in
listening to somebody say how important the internet is (if they ever lost
dial tone they might change their priorities). Beauty does belong in the eye
of the beholder......