hanging indents don't align exactly



Hi! Please help! I need to align text as in the
following example, but I cannot for the life of me get my
hanging indents to be truly aligned. I'm probably missing
something simple, but I've gone through the help screens
to no avail. A list of easy 1-2-3 steps for this dummy
would sure be appreciated to make text appear as in this

DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS: 1. VP-16 (per Dr. Rxxxxxx).
2. Prednisone 50 mg p.o. q.d.
3. Ecotrin 325 mg one p.o. q.d.
4. Vasotec 10 mg p.o. q.d.
5. Lasix 40 mg one p.o. q.d.
6. Tenormin 25 mg p.o. q.d.
7. Pepcid 20 mg one p.o. b.i.d.
8. Propacet 100 mg p.r.n.

Thanks for any help!


Bit hard to tell from your posting, but I assume the numbers and the
following text are intended to align vertically.

If all the items in your list fit within one line, don't bother with hanging
indents. Just use tabs: one for the number (ie at about 50mm), and one for
the following text (at about 55).

If you do need hanging indents:

1. For the first line you need tabs at 50 and 55; indentation = 0, hanging
by = 55 mm.
2. For the subsequent lines you need a tab at 55; indentation = 50, hanging
by = 5.

Kylie B

I would create a two column table and use auto numbering
in the second column.


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