hard return or paragraph mark..line drop.. in an Access Query..what is the code?



I'm construction a calculated text string in an Access
query. I need the query to output hard return..drop down a
line.. within the calculated string. Access forces a line
drop to change to a space.. arrrrggh. does anyone know how
to force Access to read the paragraph mark, the hard
return? I've added "
" before which seemed to work..but not now..
should it be something & p or?

John Spencer (MVP)


TextString1 & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & TextString2.

You must insert a carriage return and a line feed. vbCrLF is a visual basic
constant and SQL will not recognize Visual basic constants and variables.

John Spencer (MVP)

No problem. I just hope that when I "goof" someone will back me up. And I've
been corrected many times.

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