Hard to select first worksheet tab


Dennis Marks

When you click on the icon in the upper left of a window a box appears with:
With Windows 7 the box also appears when clicking in the lower left of a
window. That is the same area as the first worksheet tab making it very
difficult to click it. Is there a solution to the problem?


I have the same problem. I am left clicking but it does seem like it is the box that appears when you right click. Problem only occurs on the first worksheet tab and not any other tabs


This has to be the most frustrating thing about the Excel 2007 - I
have recently upgraded and am prepared to be patient with the radical
differences, the ribbons etc - but this one thing is a real piss-off.
I am now creating a blank worksheet and parking it at the left end of
the tab bar so I don't have to but up with this crap - but when the
tab bar bets full? the navigation buttons on the extreme left of the
tab bar behave the same way?
Hello MS - are you there?

Are there any fixes out there?


I've been having the same problem. Can't find anything about it except this
thread. Glad to know it's not me. I had hoped I could somehow reset my mouse,
but I haven't found a solution yet.

Bob I

Since this problem is so sporadic and infrequent perhaps the cause is
your mouse driver or video adapter driver?


I have this problem too and it is so annoying. It is staring to bug me
big time. Anybode heard of a fix?

Eric Ham

Thanks Dennis for posting this. I have been looking as well and can't find any good information on this. I will continue to research and share anything I find.

I have had this issue on two different brand laptops but the common item between them was Win 7 and Office 07 and now 10.

Dennis Marks wrote:

Thia is an image of what I am referring to.http://dmmarks.com/popup.

Thia is an image of what I am referring to
Dennis Mark


Previous Posts In This Thread:

Hard to select first worksheet tab
When you click on the icon in the upper left of a window a box appears with
With Windows 7 the box also appears when clicking in the lower left of
window. That is the same area as the first worksheet tab making it ver
difficult to click it. Is there a solution to the problem
Dennis Marks

Thia is an image of what I am referring to.http://dmmarks.com/popup.
Thia is an image of what I am referring to
Dennis Mark


Dennis -Are you using a right-mouse click instead of a left-mouse click?

Are you using a right-mouse click instead of a left-mouse click



I have the same problem.
I have the same problem. I am left clicking but it does seem like it is the box that appears when you right click. Problem only occurs on the first worksheet tab and not any other tab

frmsrcurl: http://msgroups.net/microsoft.public.excel.misc/Hard-to-select-first-worksheet-tab

This has to be the most frustrating thing about the Excel 2007 - Ihave
This has to be the most frustrating thing about the Excel 2007 -
have recently upgraded and am prepared to be patient with the radica
differences, the ribbons etc - but this one thing is a real piss-off
I am now creating a blank worksheet and parking it at the left end o
the tab bar so I do not have to but up with this crap - but when th
tab bar bets full? the navigation buttons on the extreme left of th
tab bar behave the same way
Hello MS - are you there

Are there any fixes out there

s the box that appears when you right click. =A0Problem only occurs on the
firstworksheettab and not any othertab

I have been having the same problem.
I have been having the same problem. Can't find anything about it except thi
thread. Glad to know it is not me. I had hoped I could somehow reset my mouse
but I have not found a solution yet


Since this problem is so sporadic and infrequent perhaps the cause isyour
Since this problem is so sporadic and infrequent perhaps the cause i
your mouse driver or video adapter driver

rwells7722 wrote:

I have this problem too and it is so annoying. It is staring to bug mebig time.
I have this problem too and it is so annoying. It is staring to bug m
big time. Anybode heard of a fix

holtons's Profile: http://www.thecodecage.com/forumz/member.php?u=191
View this thread: http://www.thecodecage.com/forumz/showthread.php?t=17576


Which problem would that be?Gord Dibben MS Excel MVPwrote:
Which problem would that be

Gord Dibben MS Excel MV


Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
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Adam Bedger

Some of the users at my company are experiencing this issue as well. Most of our laptops are the same model,same OS, and same version of Excel.

We're running Windows 7 with Office 2007. The problem is sporadic and not every machine is experiencing it, but it's the same menu that Dennis referenced.

Has anyone found a fix yet? I've been combing the Internet for weeks to no avail.

Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
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