Hardcoded Port number in Manifest.xsf




we are currently doing a Proof of Concept using Biztalk Orchestrations
published as Webservices and Infopath. As we do quite some debugging, we
often use the SOAP Tracer. Therefore we change the port of the webservice. We
found out that Infopath puts the Port Number hard coded into the manifest
file under "serviceUrl=... and "wsdlUrl=...". So far we only know of one way
to get around this which is manually changing the manifest file. We are a bit
concerned how this will work in our production environment. It doesn't make
deployment easier, does it?

Does anyone has the same problem? Any suggestions?



Corné Dekker


we have the same issue on our project. Did you find a way to do this? I am
very interested if you do so.

Corné D.

Corné Dekker

The adjustment of the url in the manifest is done during installation. We
build it in in a msi. One of the parameters of the msi is the name of the
server you wish to refer to.

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