Hardware for Fast Queries



I am in the market for a new PC, and am looking for some hardware
advice. Much of what I do is run select queries (often with sub-
queries) on large data sets in MS Access. I would welcome any
suggestions relative to processor speed, hard drive speed or other
hardware items or significance that may speed up running queries.--Dan

Michel Walsh

If you don't use much update, you consider ramdisk, or next best thing,
RAID-0 system (better bandwidth for read, since you now pump data from two
disks, in parallel). Note that hardware can only do up to some limit, you
may also consider investing in profiling your queries themselves, to see if
adding an index, or modifying them can improve the response time. It is not
free (have to invest your time), but it may be less expensive than hardware
(which is, today, not 'that much' expensive either).

I personally don't use and don't like ramdisk, although some people who used
them, reported to get nice performance, but that solution may require some
special settings.

Vanderghast, Access MVP

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