have do I have mail sent to Outlook and leave in yahoo?



I want to have my mail copied to Outlook but leave a copy in my sbc-yahoo
mail account? Is this possible? When I set up Outlook, I got my mail
transferred over, but am not able to import my address book, folders,
etc....so I would like to have the choice to also have a copy of the email on
my yahoo/sbc account.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Brian Tillman

Teresa said:
I want to have my mail copied to Outlook but leave a copy in my
sbc-yahoo mail account? Is this possible?

Sure. On the Advanced tab of your mail account, check the box that says
"Leave a copy of messages on the server".
When I set up Outlook, I
got my mail transferred over, but am not able to import my address
book, folders, etc....

I'll see if there's a way to do that tonight.


Thanks so much! I appreciate your help!

Brian Tillman said:
Sure. On the Advanced tab of your mail account, check the box that says
"Leave a copy of messages on the server".

I'll see if there's a way to do that tonight.


Hi Brian, I hope you're still checking this a year later. I'm having the
same problem as Teresa in that I set up my outlook 2003 without knowing about
the advance tab of keeping a copy in the server and all my sbc yahoo mail
were transferred to outlook without leaving a copy in the original server.
Anyway of transferring those back into sbc yahoo?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

You would need to send them to your Yahoo! address.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Michael asked:

| Hi Brian, I hope you're still checking this a year later. I'm having
| the same problem as Teresa in that I set up my outlook 2003 without
| knowing about the advance tab of keeping a copy in the server and all
| my sbc yahoo mail were transferred to outlook without leaving a copy
| in the original server. Anyway of transferring those back into sbc
| yahoo?
| "Brian Tillman" wrote:
||| I wasn't able to look last night, so give me a little more time, if
||| you can.
|| It turns out that exporting the Yahoo! address book to Outlook is
|| quite easy and Yahoo! provides help for that. See
|| http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ab/impexp/impexp-16.html or
|| http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ab/impexp/impexp-02.html, depending on
|| your Outlook version.
|| --
|| Brian Tillman

Brian Tillman

Michael said:
Hi Brian, I hope you're still checking this a year later.

Well, I did post back then and you even quoted my response to the "I'll
check" message.
I'm having
the same problem as Teresa in that I set up my outlook 2003 without
knowing about the advance tab of keeping a copy in the server and all
my sbc yahoo mail were transferred to outlook without leaving a copy
in the original server. Anyway of transferring those back into sbc

There's no way to "transfer" them back to the mail server. The best you can
do is to mail them back to yourself. Of course, they'll be from you and not
the original sender.


Just the answer I thought I was going to get. Oh well. Thanks for your
response. Thank you also Milly for your response.

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